Sunday, March 21, 2010

Our Little Watermelon

Is a water baby!

We are enjoying the hotel pool and so is Maya! She likes the water and blowing bubbles. Here are a few photos. As you can see we are not roughing it!


  1. So adorable! She really looks like she is enjoying herself. And the suit is pretty darn sweet.
    When we were there in November it was just a bit too cool at the hotel pool (12 degrees Celcius) to swim, even though it was 24 degrees outside.
    Please keep sharing. It is so much fun to follow someone's journey in Vietnam.

  2. Ha ha, when we got back my boss, who had been religiously following the blog, observed that there was a definite "vacation" element to our journey...

    So nice to see the hotel and pool, say Hi to Sam and tell him Judi's elbow is all healed and she is back to playing softball!
