Friday, February 12, 2010


Yep, that sums up my company's adoption leave supplemental pay. If you are a birth mother with more than 5 years of service you get 5 weeks full pay but if you are an adoptive parent or birth father you get 1 week.

To make matters worse, they accidentally sent me a memo saying I was going to get 5 weeks full pay and now they are retracting it. Nice.


  1. I have a sample letter you can send to your MP if you want about the benefits of extending the 'maternity' portion of UI to adoptive parents. There might be some verbage there to launch a complaint to your HR department at work if you want.

  2. Thanks Sharon. The company is using the unfair Ontario legislation to justify their own unfair policy. The leaves should be the same, with compensation based on service. Whether its a birth or an adoption should not be factored into the equation. ARggggh
