Sunday, November 27, 2011

What the Kids Have Been Up To

Thought I'd provide a brief update on what the kids have been up to this Fall. Maya is talking a mile a minute. I am always amazed at how articulate she is for her age and the kind of conversations we can have already. She enjoys books and can count things. At 2 3/4, she is still working on her letters and colours. She has recently learned how to somersault. And loves to do it on our bed - so worried she is going to fly right off! She is participating more at Early Years and loves to sing and dance.

Aidan is enjoying Grade 4. He is just finishing up a big project on Nunavut. He is taking piano again this year along with swimming (he just passed Swimmer 4) and he is loving being a Cub Scout. He lastest passion is playing chess. He has a few friends that like to play and he's getting quite good - easily beats me and Mike. I'm glad there are others who enjoy playing as chess is not always so popular ;). I am just happy to see him playing something other than video games.

Maya and Aidan continue to get along so well. Here is a photo I took this morning that will go on our Christmas card this year:


  1. Beautiful Photo!! Happy to read the update on your children and love that they are doing so well!
