Friday, January 15, 2010

Riding the Adoption Rollercoaster- Whee!!

Yes, after almost 4 years of riding the adoption roller coaster, we're getting a little nauseous! As many of you know, we received pictures of Maya at 8 months old just before Christmas. She still looked so happy and healthy! But she sure had grown! We were relieved that she still seemed well-looked-after as we had had no news for four months.

A few days later we heard the agency had booked us a tentative flight to HCMC for January 18 and all seemed good (almost too good to be true!).

A few days following that we were told that our flight would likely be changed due to some issues with clients of another agency who had arrived in Vietnam too soon and then were sent home without their kids.

A few days following that we were told there was now a NEW paperwork step whereby the Canadian embassy in Singapore would need to approve Canadian citizenship of our child prior to the G&R ceremony (the official adoption date).

Following that we were also told that we needed new original letters of employment as the ones currently in Vietnam were now more than 1 year old and stale-dated. This was our third employment letter (each) since we had begun this process.

As each setback/requirement occurred we knew the chances of us flying to Vietnam prior to Tet (Vietnamese Lunar New Year) were getting slimmer and slimmer.You see there is a blackout period when we cannot travel as government offices are closed in Vietnam for Tet. So we had to have all paperwork in place and an adoption date one week prior to travel.

So now it looks like we are definitely flying after Tet. Hopefully around Feb 22, but we have yet to have an update from the agency. It would be great to actually have a date to plan our lives around.

Talk about a letdown! Depressing but not surprising given the string of delays we have encountered from Day 1.

1 comment:

  1. Very frustrating I Know! We had been hoping to go before xmas but now we have no idea. We haven't been given any hopeful travel dates so we figure it won't be until March at the earliest. Our referral was beginning of August...

    I hope February turns out to be your month!

