This year I finally got to go on one of Aidan's school trips. We had not had the opportunity since he was in Grade 2 as the other parents seemed to beat us to it. Of course, by the time your kid is in Grade 8, like Aidan, they are embarrassed to be seen with you!
Aidan's trip was to the TIFF Lightbox where they learned about documentary film making and got to make a little documentary film of their own. I was impressed by how bright Aidan's classmates were. It was fun to see him in various roles, like Director, Interviewee and Cameraman. He even relented to a photo of the two of us at the end :)
I think some of what he learned rubbed off because for his book report this term he was given the choice of doing a written summary or a movie trailer. He chose the latter and did a really nice job!